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Game Name : NHL 2001
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2004-10-12 14:15:07
Views : 22449

Hidden Rookies
You may be wondering where some of your favorite players are, like rookies(example-Jani Hurme) or players who weren't signed by the beginning of the NHL season(example-Garth Snow), but I MAY HAVE THE SOLUTION. First, go into the create a player screen and type the name of the missing player in the name box. When the dialog box askes you the question about the database say yes. If the player you are looking for isn't there, sorry, but it works for others. Many codes sites don't post these lists because they are so long, but here are some players that work that I found...(I hope they post it!!)

-Kyle Calder
-Jonathan Girard
-Rico Fata
-Petr Schastlivy
-Travis Brigley
-Lee Sorochan
-Brent Johnson
-Scott Hannan
-Garth Snow
-Jason Podollan
-Willie Mitchell
-Ray Giroux
-Petr Mika
-Jason Krog
-Dale Purinton
-Jani Hurme
-Marian Cisar
-Rumun Ndur
-Terry Virtue
-Derek Armstrong
-Dan Kesa
-Johan Witehall
-Frank Banham
-Mike Fountain
-Dieter Kochan
-Eric Boguniecki
-Denis Hamel
-Benoit Gratton
-Frederic Chabot
-Jan Vopat
-Mike Watt
-Vladimir Chebaturkin
-Ryan Bonni
-Dan LaCouture
-Reid Simpson

Use these^ and keep searching and posting more !

Three minute power-play
First, get into a fight, but do not punch the other player at all. Just stand there and let the other player punch your player. To force the other player to fight back, pause the game and switch controllers to the other team. If your player loses the fight, he will get a two minute minor for roughing and the other player will get a five minute major for fighting. After your player serves his two minutes in the penalty box, you will have a three minute power-play. If your team scores on that power-play, the player will still stay in the penalty box because he is serving a major.

The Dude player
Enter the create-a-player screen and enter "Bruce Willis" as a name. The announcers will refer to the character as "The Dude" during the game.

The Hammer player
Enter the create-a-player screen and enter "Hammer" as his first name. The announcers will refer to the character as "The Hammer" during the game.

Jersey number 99
Enter the create-a-player screen and enter "Wayne Gretzky" as a name. Save the player without editing his attributes. Then, select the "Edit Player" option and change the player's name and set up the attributes as desired. The player's jersey number will say 98 but in the season and on your roster his jersey will be 99.

Super foward
Enter the create-a-player screen and enter "Peter Forsberg" or "Jaromir Jagr" as a name. Answer "Yes" to use his ratings, then adjust them as needed. You can also use NHL Challenge bonus points to boost their attributes. Return to the previous screen and change his name to your choice, but do not change any other setting.

Super defenseman
Enter the create-a-player screen and enter "Sandis Ozolinsh" or "Chris Pronger" as a name. Answer "Yes" to use his ratings, then adjust them as needed. You can also use NHL Challenge bonus points to boost their attributes. Return to the previous screen and change his name to your choice, but do not change any other setting.

Super goalie
Enter the create-a-player screen and enter "Patrick Roy", "Dominik Hasek", or "Ed Belfour" as a name. Answer "Yes" to use his ratings, then adjust them as needed. You can also use NHL Challenge bonus points to boost their attributes. Return to the previous screen and change his name to your choice, but do not change any other setting.

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